LED bulbs are light-emitting diode. These are semiconductor devices which emits light when current is passed through it. It has similar characteristics as a PN junction diode. These diodes or light sources are made up of semiconductor material. These LED Bulbs UK are replacing incandescent bulbs because they are much more energy-efficient and don't produce heat.
The LED when connected to a forward-biased junction, allows current to flow in the forward direction. Due to the flow of electron in the opposite direction, the LED emits electromagnetic energy in the form of a photon.
The working of an LED depends upon quantum theory, which states that when electrons move from higher energy level to lower energy level, it emits energy in the form of a photon.The LED when connected to a forward-biased junction, allows current to flow in the forward direction. Due to the flow of electron in the opposite direction, the LED emits electromagnetic energy in the form of a photon.
Let us throw some more light on the benefits of using LED:
- The LEDs are smaller in size in comparison to CFLs and incandescent bulbs. These can be piled up or stack together from numeric and alphanumeric matrix display.
- The density of light in LEDs can be controlled smoothly as light emission depends upon the current flowing through it.
- LEDs are available in different colour intensity such as red, green, yellow and amber.
- LEDs are economical and are highly reliable. Due to their low power consumption, high efficiency, high reliability and long life span they have the ability of energy-saving and maintenance reduction over the lifetime of an LED fixture.
- These LEDs are capable to withstand shock and variation. They are durable and operate a wide range of temperature i.e. between 0 – 70 degree.
Advantages over traditional Bulb:
- While traditional bulbs emit heat LEDs are safe and does not produce heat.
- LED bulbs have good CRI (colour rendering index), an ability to reveal the true colours of an object in comparison to natural light.
- LEDs can operate at a virtually any percentage of their rated power (0 to 100%). They do require hardware specific to LED technology to dim as traditional bulbs do.
- They turn on and off instantaneously.
- LEDs do not have environmental issues common to traditional lighting solutions like fluorescent or mercury vapour lights.
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